Virtual Museum – Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin
This project offers multiple immersive VR museum experiences at Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin. The basis of the virtual reality app is a high dynamic range 360° image of the entrance hall with the famous Cessna 172 exhibit of Mathias Rust.
With intuitive interaction techniques the VR visitor can quickly get up close to some of the amazing exhibits, each accompanied by annotations to share more information or watch videos about the museum in the virtual room.
#VR #virtualreality #nativeapp #iOS #android #mobilephone #tablet #xcode #androidstudio #swift #csharp #unity #UI #UX #3Dmodeling #blender #360images #HDR # photography #interactiontechnology #videoproduction #musicproduction #spatialaudio #ambisonics #binauralsound #sounddesign
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